Volume 62, Issue 20 |
Written by Minard Duncan
The Thought for the Day was given by Julianne Haynes who told us about Thanksgiving tidbits from non-American countries: Britain - Tom turkey, apple pie and ice cream; Korea - Short ribs, dumplings and kimchee; Colombia - Turkey (picked live) and salad; and Italy - Turkey and minestrone soup. Bill McGarvey introduced visiting Rotarians and Guests: Rotarians Dick Boyle and Dexter Savage from Fullerton South. Guests Bruce Murdock (Dick Glaus), Matt Lee (Don Mlodzik), Dale Hardner (Rick Crane). Bob Hathaway was inducted as a new member of Fullerton Main. Dick Glaus met all of the requirements to get off the Newest Nine. Congratulations to both! Leslie McCarthy rented the Pot Pass from Nate Kvetny and gave us all kinds of ideas on giving non-cash, painless items to charity: Old glasses to Kiwanis Club (also Lions Club)- Canned and packaged food to FIES, your place of worship, WTLC, Boys and Girls Club- Large and small items such as automobiles or tinker toys to second hand shops- Outgrown kids and grandkids clothes to the Boys and Girls Club- She emphasized don¹t throw away, donate! |
Question of the Week: What is the most common species of a domesticated bird? Guest Matt Lee won with the answer of "chicken" and promptly donated the $45 winnings back to our club. Don¹t forget: Kingston Trio on February 7. Get tickets now. Rotary Club seniors Christmas Party on December 11. Help needed at 11 a.m. Dan Kiernan levied several hefty fines for various reasons to Dick Boyle (rude), Dexter Savage (being in same club as Dick Boyle), Rick Crane (advertising), Don Mlodzik (being the father-in-law of Matt Lee-Dan felt sorry for Matt), Mike Oates (previous poor jokes). Leroy Fulton introduced Joe Grannah, faculty member of Hope University for 16 years. Joe talked to us about the basics of Thanksgiving - for what are we really thankful. He gave several humorous definitions of LOVE and listed it as his first basic. Besides LOVE, he was thankful for BEING ALIVE, LIBERTY, his SENSES, being able to WALK, FAMILY and FAITH. Since not everything works out well, FAITH can help get us through adversities and tragedies. President Mike dismissed us early at 1:15 p.m. with "Let¹s have a fine and safe Thanksgiving." |
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Did You Know:  45 million turkeys are eaten in the USA at Thanksgiving!  Turkeys are the only farm animal that is 100% dependent on artificial insemination!  Turkeys can run over 20 mph and fly over 50 mph (except domestic turkeys) |
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