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Back to Home PageWednesday,  March 5, 2003    
Volume 62, Issue 31

Written and reported by :  Bill Schenk & Buck Catlin

Franki Berry ledge the pledge of allegiance followed by singing led by Jim Young, Howard Wood, and someone who looked amazingly like Ray Ashroft!

Jim Williams gave a poignant thought for the day followed by dining and music a' la Elvis provided by Don Ludwig.

Bill Hite introduced visiting Rotarian Dick Boyle, as well as Winston Creel, Pat House, and Terri Grassi who introduced their guests.

Announcements: Wally Bartelt announced that there is only one Fullerton Rotary club Flag remaining and is looking for a committee to either approve the existing design and order more flags or to redesign the flag first.  If you are interested in participating in this decision please see Wally.

Dick Boyle announced that on April 4, Fullerton South will host a wine tasting event at the Cal State Fullerton Arboretum.  This event is $35 and tickets are limited.  See Dick or Mike Oates for tickets.

Volunteers are need to participate in the Sunny Hills High School top 100 banquet held on March 26th, and the Fullerton High School Top 100 banquet on April 2.

Volunteers are also needed for the March 29 City Track meet. See Jim Thompson.

Claude Jones announced a new Fullerton Rotary International project (Joining Oceanside Rotary), supporting El Sauzal Orphanage International near Ensenada, Mexico.  This orphanage was recently visited by Frank Kawase, Rick Crane, Jeff Hutchison, Mike Oates, Wally Bartelt and Claude Jones.  It was determined that the Orphanage is in need of support in three areas: Electrical Upgrades, Sewage system upgrades, and Water Supply upgrades.  The first phase has been estimated to cost $6000.  Fullerton Rotary board of directors has already pledged $1500 and Claude has generously pledge to match club member donations up to $1000.  See Claude, Mike, Rick, Wally or Jeff if you would like to make a donation.

Griff Duncan, Winston Creel, and Ray Hansen were given Rotarian of the Month honors for their untiring efforts toward a successful Kingston Trio Concert.


New member Bob Radde was recognized for his Birthday and also for his Anniversary to Gloria. Wally and Linda Bartelt were recognized for their 2nd anniversary. Bob and Roselva Sattler celebrate 21 years.


Jim McKamy ---Born in 1965, the Year the Beattless took over the World of Youth. A graduate of Sonora High School, he progressed to Fullerton Junior College (actually Fullerton COLLEGE since 1972!). He liked being a Hornet so much he became Campus Security Officer for a spell.  Launched into a business career as a financial advisor, he was slated to attend a training session at the New York World Trade Center on September 11, 2000. There was a travel paper delay and he missed the class unbeknownst to family and friends who thought he was a casualty. The 55 messages, letters and E-mails he received of condolence made him a Believer in Providence, and the value of friendship. A bachelor by choice, he lives a life complete with KFC meals, chili cheese omelets and a TV remote,  plus a hobbies of stud poker, R-rated movies and fast cars.  He puts his considerable avoirdupois and girth into all his endeavors with gusto. He loves Rotary and the warm fellowship of its brethren and sisteren. Jim is a charming fellow. Thank you Jim, for sharing this with us.

 Al Tetrault -- Like Father, Like Son

  A "Marine Brat", son of a career Marine sergeant, Al took his early youth lead from his energetic father.  A so-so early experience in formal education taught him that passing a school test didn't mean that you understood the subject or mastered the trade.  Falling in at an early age with less dedicated but thirsty friends involved in the three deadly fluids (gasoline, spirits and perfume) led nowhere. So he buckled down to the automotive business first as a go-fer at McCoy-Mills Ford Dealership then because he became skilled in personal communications and computer systems, he rose to his current position as its Customer Relations head.  He is a living example of the credo, as he attests; not being "smart", but ability to learn is the key to success.  Al closed his talk with a choked up testimonial to his wife, Pam, the light of his life. A fine Rotarian, Al, thank you for sharing with us.



 Jo Dee Catlin Jacob, Exec. Director, San Diego/Imperial Council GIRL SCOUTS. -   "From Navy Blue to Girl Scout Green: Serving the Community after serving the Nation"