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Back to Home PageWednesday, February 12, 2003
Volume 62, Issue 28
Reported by Buck Catlin


The Orange Empire Chorus, The "FAMOUS LOVERS" Rotarian Panelists, and The CSUF "Songs of Love" Singers

--More under PROGRAM

PREZ OATES paid tribute to Len Ullrich, who passed away this past week. Father of Rotarian DENNIS ULLRICH, he was a long time Fullertonian and businessman in this City.

ACT 1.

PRES OATES, himself, led the assemblage in the Pledge followed by the ORANGE EMPIRE QUARTET (half of them Rotarians) BILL PELOGUIN, HOWARD WOOD, ELTON CAREY and ARMAND ST. MARSEI setting the tone of the meeting with "God Bless America", "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" and "Heart of My Heart". (A few Rotarians were observed singing the words to their spouses in attendance. Good form.)

RICK CRANE'S "Thought for the Day" celebrated National Week of "Random Acts of Kindness" enjoining us to express a least one act of kindness today. He noted that today is actually Lincoln's birthday, a President whose administration was characterized by Presidential Acts of kindness and mercy. A good example for national, state and local leaders.

Our Valentine's Day M.C. CAROLYN warmed up the brethren and sistren with little known facts about the celebration's history. Worthy of mention was MINARD DUNCAN's proposal to his bride of just one year ago on Valentine's Day. (He said, "All systems stlll 'GO' even after he got elected and when he goes out nights for Board meetings! Film at Eleven).

VISITORS: LOUIS KOFF, Fullerton Sunrise
TOM LOFTUS, Campus Ministry, Madison, WI

GUESTS (a batch!). Those with signing in slips at the door:

Craig Walker, guest of TOM MEYER
Justin Kwqon, guest of DANIEL KANG
Aurelia Kvetny, enduring wife of O.O.D NATE
Robyn Mathy, "roommate" of BILL (his words!)
Bobbie Catlin, Buck's Rotagram Assistant
Elizabeth Oates, PREZ OATES spouse
Doris Wood, HOWARD's music critic
Wilma Peloquin, ditto for BILL
Pam Tetreault, ("WIFE", no elaboration)
Sandra Glaus, ("wife", lower case letters! Bad form!)
Carol Mlodzik, ("DON and CAROL", very nice!)

Those Guests recognized from the floor:

Sally Williams, JIM WILLIAMS spouse
Helen Brown, HARRY's right arm
Norma Jones, the Councilman's advisor
Mary Jane Anderson, ANDY' s real bookkeeper
Dottie Young, sees that JIM answers to "PAUL".

RAFFLE: Apparently, the raffle mixer barrel didn't get unloaded from
last week. Four numbers were fished out with no takers. PRES OATES designated JIM VANDERBERG as the winner. (Cries of "Foul!") He identified VENUS as the Greek origin of CUPID but drew a blank on APHRODITE as the Roman God.

ACT 2. "FAMOUS LOVERS"(-- and other strangers!)

CAROLYN had panelists PAUL THOMPSON, BILL MCGARVEY,Carolyn is MC!!! PAT TORMEY and JIM BLACKBURN in a "Five Questions to Identify Lovers in History" contest. The results (with audience assistance!):

"VICTORIA and ALBERT" : PAUL--1 out of 5 ( He only passed high school European History with a C minus).

"ROMEO and JULIET" : BILL--even with audience help he only made it when someone in the crowd yelled "Italy".

"CAROLYN and PAT": PAT--Couldn't fool this Irishman. 5 out of 5.

" BILL and HILLARY (Monica): JIM--almost got sidetracked by the mixing love with political party issues. 3 out of 5.

ACT 3. The CSUF "Songs of Love " Singers

CSUF Professor of Voice Linda Leyrer and Piano Accompanist Grant Rohr introduced us to the singing talents of four of the University's top undergraduate and graduate students in voice. Exhibiting skills in a wide range of selections, it is clear we are privileged in this community to have such performing arts assets. The singers CHANTE OLIVAS, TANIA GARCIA, TAMARA DEEMUS HORNE and ELIZABETH THOMAS treated us to some classics of Gershwin, Rogers and Hammerstine, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Jerome Kern, Faure, Motzart, and others. Grant Rohr is a gifted accompaniist.

A "BRAVO ZULU" program organized by CAROLYN TORMEY assisted by PAUL THOMPSON and BILL HITE.

Proposed new Members:

Diane Masseth-Jones, Executive Director, YWCA,
by Terri Grassi

Fred Johnson, Executive Director, Boys & Girls Club,
by Mike Oates