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Back to Home PageWednesday, February 5, 2003
Volume 62, Issue 27
Reported by Bill Schenk

Leroy Fulton led the Pledge of Alliance then ran for the choir loft to join Bob Savage, Bill Peloquin, Jim Young and Don Ludwig in the singing of America the Beautiful and Smile.

Bill Peloquin jumped from the loft back to the podium and read an amusing article on aging for the thought for the day. 

Jim Blake officiated the introduction of Frank Stoobant (Big Bear Rotary) and guests: Chris Velardi (manager of Amerige Heights Albertson's and guest of Damon Dragos), and Fred Johnson (new Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club and guest of Mike Oates)


Bob Jahncke announced a social event of the Good Guys Association of the Boys and Girls Club will include dancing and cocktails at the Nutwood Marriott on Feb 13th - 6:30 cocktails, and fun.  Buck Catlin urged anyone wishing to submit a Community Investment award nominee to him by NEXT WEEK.  Terri Grassi passed out sign-up sheets for a Rotary Fellowship event at Santa Anita Racetrack on March 9th.  $52 per person includes admission, valet parking, program, and buffet. (Note: gambling expenses will be on a pay as you go basis and not added to your quarterly Rotary statement).  Rick Crane announced the March 23rd Titan Stadium Rotary Club event.  More details to come. Bill Peloquin reminded the club of the April 1st deadline to register for the joint District Conference at the Fabulous Flamingo Hilton in Laughlin, Nevada.

 Fullerton Rotary Board meeting will be held on Tuesday Feb 11 at the usual place - City Maintenance Facility at the south east corner of Basque and Commonwealth (newest 9 members welcome).

  Feb 12 will be the Valentine Extravaganza at our usual noon meeting.  Spouses and significant others are cordially invited.  Cal State Fullerton Grad Students will provide entertainment.

Claude Jones won the raffle but couldn't come up with the name of the country formally known as Yugoslavia (Serbia-Montenegro). 

Bill Schenk bid for the Pot Pass for the month of February. 

(Beware-Bill is likely to be insufferable at the next few meetings) 

Finemistress Caroline Tormey tortured the club with fines and recognitions: Ed Mytkowicz (birthday), Cameron McCune (birthday) and Harry Brown, Jr. (87).  Carl Camp and Lee Brockett were recognized for Judy and Marion's Birthdays.  Dan Kiernan and Don Mlodzik celebrate anniversaries this week.

 Paul Dudley and Bill Mathy were recognized and fined for their son's appearance in the local media.  Ryan Dudley Prime Rib dinners for all friends of Paul's at the new Lawry's restaurant at South Coast Plaza, and Jeff Mathy is serving complimentary Lipton's Ice Tea on a mountain top location in Asia.  (See Paul and Bill for redeemable coupons!)


The program today detailed to Guardian Scholars Program at Cal-State Fullerton.  This successful program is has been replicated in six other universities including Hope International University. Guardian Scholars is a comprehensive program that supports former foster youths in their efforts to gain a college education.  If you missed this meeting you missed another inspirational program presented by Guardian Scholar administrators and recipients.  


Proposed new Members:

Diane Masseth-Jones, Executive Director, YWCA,
by Terri Grassi

Fred Johnson, Executive Director, Boys & Girls Club,
by Mike Oates