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Rotary Club of Fullerton
Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes for Meeting of January 13, 2004

Board Attendance:
Board Member  

Board Member


Board Member


Bill Mathy


Joyce Capelle


Frank Kawase


Tom Meyer


Julianne Haynes


Bob Jahncke


Mike Oates


Scott Dowds


Greg Franklin


Claude Jones


David Schoen


AE=Absence Excused

Additional Rotarians present: Lee Myhre, Ray Ashcroft
Guests: None

CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order at 7:35AM by President Mathy.

INVOCATION: Invocation was delivered by David Schoen.

Minutes & Secretary's Report: Secretary Jahncke is out of town; his report and minutes of the December meeting were thus deferred until available.

Treasurer's Report: Frank Kawase reported that the clubbs finances are in good order with balances of $37,233 in checking and $10,451 in savings. No large disbursements are immediately anticipated against the aforementioned balances.

Assistant District Governor: ADG Dexter Savage is working on obtaining the award rosettes due the club.

President's Report: President Mathy reminded us that Directors will be asked to preside over upcoming meetings. Tom Meyer on January 21 and Joyce Capelle on February 18. Other Directors will be similarly charged for subsequent meeting dates.

Director's Reports:

Concert Report: With the concert looming near, the bulk of the meeting was devoted to preparations for the event. President Mathy suggested that, rather than the empty envelopes presented the charities last year (followed two weeks later with the actual check), we instead present one giant check for $24,000 for photo op purposes. There was general agreement. This "check" will be presented after the high school music group performs since Rich Little performs a continuous 90-minute program without intermission. Griff Duncan will "MC".

Bill shared that Griff has reported selling 124 floor tickets for $6200 and 62 balcony seats for $1860. We are awaiting an update from Winston Creel regarding ticket sales through Rotarians. A discussion ensued about action needed if the net proceeds from the event are not sufficient to cover the $24,000 committed to charities. It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to request that any shortfall be covered by the Foundation. To avoid dipping into the treasury, there was discussion about last-minute efforts to encourage more ticket sales. In previous years, newest 9 were deputized to call Rotarians who had not yet purchased tickets to encourage purchase or donation in lieu. Bill Hite was previously on point to do this and we need to verify if he is again coordinating or the task needs to be assigned. It was also agreed that we can now offer 10 balcony tickets for $100. This was done in previous years and resulted in a number of Rotarians who did not intent to attend the concert, buying the ticket block and donating them back for resale or use by students. This will be announced next meeting and Jim Williams will be asked to promote the sale.

Bill distributed event fliers. He will deliver some to Morningside and it was suggested that Dale Schumacher be given fliers for Emerald Court. Ray Ashcroft distributed copies of newspaper ads for the concert already printed by the Fullerton Observer and in the district newsletter. The Independent will also carry an ad and press releases have been sent to the Times and the Register. Ray recommended that we collect copies of all media that have carried an ad for or that cover the event. Ray was drafted to craft a program to include Rich Little's bio, brief statement about the intended use of funds (from applications), and possible ads. Tom Meyer volunteered to assist. Ray also distributed his marketing plan for the concert and was thanked for the wonderful job he does in promoting the event.

Bill reported that the concert banner will be hung up today over Harbor Blvd. (near Costco).  The Plummer has displayed concert information since December 29. A banner at St. College and Bastunchary is also in place. There was a question as to whether St. Jude's marque would also promote the concert. Joyce will check with Ray Hanson and also ask Century 21 to use their marquee.

The need for volunteers was then discussed. In previous years, Griff's crew did most of the concert-night work (ushering, ticket sales, will call booth, and refreshment sales). Volunteers were used primarily to sell raffle tickets. A Newest 9 is typically tasked with bringing the drum and a generous supply of raffle tickets (previously torn into sellable strips - usually 3 or 20). We need to confirm with Griff about what tasks are done by his crew vs. volunteers, find out from him if we need to bring a supply of $5 and $10's to make change (and to assign the task if needed), and to gather volunteers. Joyce reported that the recipient charities are usually asked to supply volunteer support. She will call Winston Creel and/or Biill Hite to see if Newest 9 already assigned and, if not, gather volunteers from amongst the recipients.

Club Service-Membership: Greg Franklin shared reporting duty with Tom Meyer. We are down to about 12 "Newest 9". There are five proposed members currently in process: Basari, Baugh, Derry, Renick, and Soderquist. Randy McFarland has also been proposed. Given the difficulty of service clubs recruiting members, there was a general discussion about how we might speed up the process. Greg suggested that the president-elect serve as an assistant to the club secretary to assist with processing. There was general agreement.

Club Service-Fellowship: David Schoen reported that the December harbor cruise was well received. Next event will be Santa Anita on March 14. Cost of that event is $52 per person. We have reserved for 50 (+/-10%) so get your reservations in to David. We are also planning to attend a Titan baseball game April 18 (date subject to confirmation). The February social event will be a weekend trip February 20-22 coinciding with our international project.

Community Service-General: No report.

Community Service-Youth: President Mathy shared the sad news of the death of Scott Dowd's mother. Scot is currently taking his family on a much-needed vacation, but he sent along the following RYLA information. Recruitment is underway for team assistants to work the RYLA camp April 23-25. Assistants need to commit from 11:00 Friday through 2:00PM Sunday and are invited to attend 4 training meetings in advance of the event (the first and last meetings being mandatory). The first meeting is January 31 at the Boy Scout's office in Costa Mesa. Our contact is Debbie Clinton and further information can be obtained directly from Scott.

International Service: Claude Jones reported that 12 twin box spring/mattress sets have been donated for the orphanage. The generous business owner will be invited to a Rotary meeting to be recognized for his donation. Claude also reminded us about the upcoming trip February 20-22 to re-roof the orphanage. Optimum group size is 8-10 workers. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hotel Corral in Ensenada ($150/night). The event will be coordinated with the Oceanside club. He will be announcing the trip at future Rotary meetings.

Vocational Service: Joyce Capelle's report was that she has no report!

Old Business: No reports.

New Business: We have received donation requests via letter from the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Boys Scouts. Both requests will be forwarded to Buck Catlin for possible consideration by his charitable giving committee.

Mike Oates encouraged everyone to attend the dental clinic at Richman Elementary this Saturday (Jan. 17) for a photo op. The work itself is ably performed by students from the USC School of Dentistry. Our club provides funding for supplies and has received a district match for the service project. Mike will like a good turnout from 8:00-8:30AM for a photo to send to district commemorating our support for the event. Joyce will attend with digital camera. There will be a second dental clinic at Valencia at a later date.

Comments: President Mathy reported that former member Amy Kluth, now a member of the Santa Ana club, extended an invitation to join a lunch January 29 with community leaders hosted by the Wellness Foundation (Amy is Executive Director). Mike Oates shared that he previously attended the luncheon. The organization, among other things, provides support to cancer patients using volunteers. Bill asked for a volunteer to attend in his absence. There were regrets only.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:48AM.

Next meeting: February 10, 2004