Volume 62 Issue 16 |
Written and reported by Chris Hunt
Are you a Rotarian or a member of a Rotary Club? This was the question posed by Thought for the Day-er Jim Blackburn. Think about the difference - one is an expensive way to spend a couple hours a week and the other is a way of life. Chris Meyer introduced our many visiting Rotarians and guests. Visiting Rotarians: Aubrey LeBard of La Habra; Bernie Dunlap of Brea and Dick Boyle of well, you know. Guests included Judy Flowers (Jim Williams), Parks Jr. High principal Larry Beaver (Cameron McCune), Janie Noppe (Lee Brockett), Ellen Ballard (Chuck Munson), Bob Radde (Dick Glaus), Nicholette Reid (Paul Dudley), Bob Hathaway (Mike Escalante), Dale Hardner (Tom Meyer), and last, but not least, Debbie Franklin (Greg';s wife and "driver of Megan"). David Schoen invited veterans to attend the Assembly at Eastside coming up in November. In the neat idea category - Ray Hansen is donating his "President's Yearbook (put together for each club president with great care by Ray Ashcroft) to the collection in the CSUF Rotary Room. He asks others to do the same. Jo Ann Brannock told us about the Cherami Education Fund she and her husband began a few years ago. 100% of all donations go to the students selected for scholarships. Tom Meyer announced that grant applications for the Concert Awards are due by the end of the week. |
Prez Mike reminded us of the District Dinner on November 9th. Opportunity tickets still available. Congrats to Chris Meyer who graduated off the Newest Nine. We knew he doesn't play with a full deck. Now, he's proven he's lost his marbles, too. Yes, Prez Mike came up with yet another way to further complicate the opportunity drawing process. Fortunately, guest Janie Noppe held the winning ticket as the rest of us were dazed and confused. She won the entire pot of $40 dollars for choosing the correct marble. The highly skilled and dedicated Rotagram staff (Bill Schenk, Bob Jahncke, Chris Hunt, Buck Catlin, Minard Duncan, Jim Blackburn, and Leslie McCarthy) was honored as Rotarians of the Month. Special thanks also go to Theria Hadland at the Boys and Girls Club for weekly preparing and mailing out the paper edition. It was Chuck Munson's turn as the rotating Recognition Master. He promptly fined President Oates for poor mathematics in the raffle winnings last week, Cameron McCune, for a very successful Pin Auction, and Griff Duncan for his walk-on role in the Sound of Music. Bob Jahncke has a birthday on Friday and Bill and Shirley Kincaid celebrate their anniversary this week. And Nate Kvetny offered to pay double his fine from last week for his excellent anniversary celebration! Buck Catlin introduced and moderated the discussion today between the three candidates for the two 4-year Fullerton Council spots available. Don Bankhead, Jan Flory and Leland Wilson each made opening remarks. Topics the candidates discussed included the biggest issue facing the city today, is there a place for party politics on the city council, motor home parking in front of homes, affordable housing and the involvement of the police and firefighter unions in this election. As usual in programs like this, we ran out of time before all questions were answered. An interesting and informative program for Fullerton voters. |
Next Week: Enron *Magic*