Volume 62, Issue 17 |
Written by Bill Schenk
Mark McGee introduced visiting Rotarians and guests who included: Aubrey LeBard from La Habra Rotary, and Dick Boyle from Fullerton South. Mike Escalante introduced guest Bob Hathaway for the umpteenth time, John Kunau introduced Tony Montranegro, Lee Brockett, introduced Janie Noppe, Pat House introduced Jane Parker, and Dick Glaus re-introduced Bob Radde. Announcements John Kunau provided information on a Town Hall Water Forum, presented by The Government Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, to be held at Coyote Hills Golf Course Clubhouse at 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 14. Jim McKamy is still giving his Poker Clinic for the Fullerton Rotary Poker Tournament on Nov 16, at 6:30 at the Elks Lodge. (Please contact Jim if you plan on attending so he will know how many Poker Chips to distribute!) Griff Duncan reminded the club that NEXT WEEK Winston Creel will have tickets available for the Feb 7th Kingston Trio Concert. Minard Duncan thanked the Club members for their support in his successful bid for an Elementary School Board seat. Bill Hite announced the successful completion of John Kunau from the newest nine. |
Winning red ticket: Prez Mike stepped into another pile of controversy by announcing the winner of the Red Ticket when 98% percent of the club had purchased Blue tickets. That was okay with me, because I had a red ticket. Unfortunately (for me) Bill Hite had the other Red ticket and his was the one Mike drew. Bill Hite went on to draw a gold marble and took the pot. Recognition: The Honorable Jim Blackburn began recognition with a quote of dubious virtue: Honesty is the best policy. Dishonesty is the second best policy. (It is unknown if Jim's selection of this quote had anything to do with the Republican tip of Congress this week) Jo Brannock and Bob Engemann were recognized and fined for the recent University of Maryland victory last week. Bill Kincaid was recognized again for his anniversary to Shirley. Bill McGarvey's usual table was fined in his absence for his latest birthday (Bill is celebrating in China). Bob Clark, Sr. and Bob Clark, Jr. were each recognized for wife and mother, Marilyn's, recent birthday. Jim Blake and Carl Wilkins were also recognized for their birthdays. President Ramona from the Fullerton High School Interact club made an announcement about their latest project to send books to Kashmir. St. Paul's Academy, in the capital of Kashmir, has 300 students from 3 to 12 years old. English is taught there and the Fullerton High School Interact club is seeking book donations (new or used in good shape). They will be accepting books December 2 through December 12. Call 628-3877 for more info. Amy Kluth introduced Professor Cheyana Jafke from Western State University who gave a brief but interesting lecture on the Enron Scandal, its victims and its effect on the country. |
Upcoming program announcement for November 13
James Bruce Joseph Sievers: An American in Love with His Country
Bruce Sievers has spoken at more than 6000 Rotary functions. He was delivered his program to several US Presidents and was awarded the George Washington Medal of Honor by President Reagan. He has been featured in People Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. He has written several books and just completed a screenplay. Bruce was a Green Beret during the Vietnam Era. Make sure you mark your calendar and invite a guest to see this fantastic program.