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The Rotary Club of Fullerton
The Rotary Club of Fullerton, a member of Rotary International, is an association of concerned Fullerton citizens, working for the betterment of our community, the welfare of our families, and the future for our youth. Our club has been serving the community for over 75 years. |
Members meet for lunch each week for fellowship. We
develop service ideas, listen to speakers discuss current community,
political or international events and are made aware of Community
and International needs. From these needs, we initiate community or
international projects. |

Typical Rotary Meeting |
Examples of Service include: |

Honoring Top 100 Students at Dinner |
We donate over 60 percent of our Community Investment Awards to youth. These Awards go to the Boys & Girls Club, YMCA, YWCA, Boy Scouts, Western Youth Services, St. Jude's Outreach Services, Florence Crittenton Services for Teen Children, School Reading by Nine Program, and several others. Our Club sponsors the City High School and Orange County College Athletic Track Meets. We provide awards and a banquet for the Top 100 Academic Students for two local High Schools each year. |
Our Club donates over 20 percent of our Community Investment Awards to various community service needs. These include Museums, Library, Arboretum, Universities & Colleges, Police & Fire Departments, Soup Kitchen and an annual Immunization clinic. |

Rotarians Serve at Innoculation Clinic. |

Senior Shut-ins come to the Christmas Party |
We donate over 10 percent of our Community Investment Awards to Senior Citizen projects. They include The Senior Center, Meals on Wheels, F.I.S.H. and Senior Shut-in Christmas Party. |
The Club sponsors several familimages/y affairs including Special Event trips, annual charity fund raising concert show, annual family picnic and the annual family Christmas Party. |

Family with Santa at Christmas Party |

Rotary Team Builds Kindergarden |
The goal of one Rotary International (RI) Program, is to eliminate Polio in the world by the year 2005, on the 100th anniversary of Rotary founder, Paul P. Harris. This is the largest public health initiative in the world. Our Club has played a part in this effort by providing a matching Grant with RI to eradicate Polio from the country of Costa Rica. We provided used English Childrens Books to a new childrens |
library in Sri Lanka, an ambulance and hundreds of school desks to our neighbor, Mexico. Our Club participates in many other Rotary International projects including 4H, World Professional and Student Exchange Programs. Our most recent Club project was to work with Amor Ministries to build a Kindergarten in a new developing community near Rosaretta Beach, Mexico. This school building was completed in three days with only hand tools since no electricity or generators were available. Inside facilities were provided so this school could begin immediately. This facility provides for Pre-School Children Care while the older children and parents can go to work to support their families. |
Rotary emulates SERVICE ABOVE SELF. Belonging to a Rotary Club gives members an organized program for contributing to their community.
· Founded in 1905, Rotary is the worlds first service organization.
· Rotary International is the largest service organization in the world. As of January 2001, it has a global network of 1.2 million members in over 29,500 clubs in more than 163 countries.
· Rotary members meet weekly to plan a wide variety of service activities. They determine their own service projects based on local needs and interests.
· Rotary clubs are nonreligious, nongovernmental and open to every race, culture and creed. Club membership represents a cross-section of local business and professional leaders.
· Members live by the Four - Way Test. |
4 Way Test |
1. |
Is it the TRUTH? |
2. |
Is it FAIR to all concerned? |
3. |
4. |
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? |