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Rotary Wheel Rotagram - Meeting Notes and Club News Rotary Wheel
Volume 81 Issue 4 Wed, July 21, 2021 Rota-Scribe Karen Xie
Information to Follow.

Meeting Meeting started with Invocation by Joe Lins and Thad Sandford led in the Patriotic moment

Zoot announced that our Past President Ken Kaisch was appointed peace ambassador. Congrats Ken!

Zoot introduced our Visiting Guests today welcome to all guests joining us today!

This week we are proud to inducting two more new members! Welcome to our club!

Introduction of 2 New Members
District Governor Cisca Stellhorn - Bud Lang - Zoot Velasco - Andrew Gregson

Zoot gave a brief history lesson on Rotary and mentioned that Rotary International was established in 1921 and that’s also when our club was founded. (Editor Correction: Rotary was founded in 1905, and became International in 1921, our club was founded in 1922.)


Please email Zoot any future announcements.

Bailey made an announcement that next Wednesday at morning side, there will be a fellowship dinner please RSVP before Friday. Please contact Bailey for more info. Bailey also needs volunteers with SUVs. If you have SUV please let Bailey know. Please look for the email for the event.

Our Song Master Bob Muschek led us in singing “God Bless America

An excited Virtual Rubber Duck Race starts. #5 won duck won and Bob Muschek won the race! Congrats BOB!

Our Recognition Master today is Bev Berryman

Fined Dan and Susan Ouweleen for $20 for Dan’s Birthday coming up!

Cathy Gach also was fined $10 for being on zoom and Brett Ackerman was fined for $3 for taking his wife out for her birthday.

Bev gave a quick trivial quiz on National hot dog day.

Zoot introduced our speaker today Cisca Stellhorn our district Governor for 2021-2022. Proud Chair of the peace fellowship subcommittee. She’s also a full time lawyer and native Californian.

Cisca congratulated Our Rotary club for reaching almost 100 years old. She gave a history of some of the rotary projects she was able to participate in. Including the Corozon house build were Rotarians go to Mexico in Tijuana, build a house in a day. She also participated in an Eye clinic in Honduras. Gracias eye clinic. Her own club also put together a Dental Clinic for the community. The theme of this year is Serve to change lives. Cisca Challenged our club members to think about why you are a Rotarian and how has it changed your life and the life of others.

Cisca brought a jar of toffee to auction off. The funds raised will go towards the rotary foundation. And individual Rotarians will receive Paul Harris Points for their donation. She mentioned that the Anaheim Rotary raised $1500 and challenged our club to beat that record.

Thank you to the following Rotarians for their generous contribution:

$100 from Kim Barlow
$100 Thad Sandford
$100 Dan Ouweleen
$100 Scott Dowds.
$100 Joe Arnold
$100 Bob Jahncke
$500 Zoot Velasco
$100 Bill Mathy
$100 Minard Duncan
$100 Dick Mathewson

Our Duck race money also went towards the donation and most importantly we beat Anaheim!

Cisca Stellhorn awarded a Rotary Pin for Susan Ouweleen for the amazing work that she does for our club despite being a fulltime mom, wife and entrepreneur. Thank you Susan for all that you do!

As a thank you to being our speaker today, Zoot gave Cisca a Stock certificate for $50 shares of the Social Impact in the City of Fullerton. Ferrall from the Muck also gifted her with a Muck golden ticket for 2. Good for every event in Muck all year!

Zoot ended the meeting today with a quote from Ann Frank- “think of all the beauty still around us and be happy”

Meeting Adjourned

Upcoming Programs - 2021

July 28 Offsite at Morningside - PLEASE RSVP BY 7/23

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This Edition was published in Fullerton, CA

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